Куда можно поступить сдав общество и географию после 9 класса: «Куда можно пойти после 9, если сдавать географию и обществознание?» – Яндекс.Кью

куда можно поступить после 9 класса? ПрофГид

Если тебе предстоит оканчивать обучение в 9 классе и сдавать ОГЭ, то ты, возможно, уже определился с предметами для экзамена. И если эти предметы – география и обществознание, то у нас есть для тебя 6 отличных идей того, на кого ты можешь отучиться.

Читайте также:

Несколько слов об ОГЭ

Если ты размышляешь о том, куда можно поступить с географией и обществом после 9 класса, то речь, однозначно, идет об ОГЭ. Это четыре обязательных экзамена, которые сдают все школьники перед переходом в 10 класс или уходом в ссузы. Два из них – математика и русский, два – предоставлены на выбор (то есть, в твоем случае, это география и обществознание). Кроме того, в 2019-ом году было решено проводить для каждого школьника итоговое собеседование по русскому языку, без которого он не будет допущен к сдаче экзаменов. Собеседование оценивается не по балльной системе, а формате «зачет/незачет».

По каждому экзамену ты наберешь определенное количество баллов за правильно выполненные задания (каждый год устанавливается порог, 

минимальное число таких баллов, при котором ОГЭ считается принятым). Эти баллы будут переведены в стандартную пятибалльную шкалу и учтены при выставлении итоговых оценок в твой аттестат о неполном среднем образовании. И это, по сути, единственная связь между теми дисциплинами, которые ты будешь сдавать в рамках ОГЭ, и теми ссузами, в которые ты сможешь поступить.

Прием абитуриентов в колледжи осуществляется на основе среднего балла аттестата, а не результатов профильных экзаменов. Этим система сдачи ОГЭ принципиально отличается от системы ЕГЭ. Главное – просто сдать четыре экзамена и, желательно, сделать это хорошо, чтобы в результате получить более высокие отметки в аттестате. 

Особенно важно это в том случае, если ты хочешь поступить в ссуз, где достаточно большой конкурс на бюджетные места. И даже если тебя интересует специальность, связанная с географией и обществознанием, ты вполне можешь сдавать ОГЭ по другим предметам. Это не станет преградой для твоего поступления в ссуз (ею может стать только слишком низкий средний балл аттестата в цел

Куда поступить с обществознанием — список профессий и специальностей ВУЗов

Куда поступить с обществознанием? Такой вопрос задают те, кто выбрал для сдачи на ЕГЭ этот предмет, объединяющий в себе политологию, психологию, социологию и многие другие начала наук.

Для того чтобы выбрать, куда пойти учиться, определиться с хорошим институтом или университетом и факультетом, выпускникам, сдававшим ЕГЭ по обществознанию после 11 класса, для начала необходимо узнать как можно больше об этой науке и о профессиях, в которых ее можно применить.

Обществознание — необходимая наука для поступающих в вузы

На данный момент обществознание является одной из самых популярных дисциплин, которые школьники выбирают для сдачи ЕГЭ.

Многие выбирают именно обществознание из-за большого спектра специальностей, на которые потом с этим предметом можно поступить. Так же учитывается и то, что данную гуманитарную дисциплину относительно несложно сдавать.

Обществознание – это наука, изучающая человека внутри постоянно развивающегося общества, и включающая в себя несколько различных социальных отраслей: социологию, политологию, философию, историю, экономику.

Изучая обществознание, школьники знакомятся с человеком внутри общества, с самим обществом, с его духовной жизнью, социально-экономическими отношениями, законами.

В университетах все то, что заключает в себя обществознание, делят на множество различных дисциплин и изучают отдельно от других. Поэтому этот предмет так важен для поступающих, он может пригодиться в любом университете по любой гуманитарной специальности.

Для поступления в какие вузы нужно обществознание

На кого может поступить выпускник, имеющий предрасположенность к гуманитарным наукам?

После сдачи ЕГЭ он может выбрать ряд следующих специальностей с профильным обществознанием:

  1. История, философия, культурология, политология, юриспруденция. Эти направления связаны между собой, поэтому, чтобы на них поступить, необходимо сдать одинаковые предметы: обществознание, русский язык, историю.
  2. Филология, педагогические направления (обществознание, русский язык, литература, английский язык, история, география, физика, информатика, математика база – в зависимости от профиля).
  3. Биология, психология (обществознание, русский язык, биология, химия).

Если же выпускник больше предрасположен к точным наукам, тогда он сможет выбрать факультеты с математическим уклоном:

Примите во внимание: чтобы поступить на эти специальности, необходимо сдать следующие экзамены: математика, русский язык, обществознание.

Итак, обществознание как профильный предмет является необходимым в:

  1. Московском государственном университете имени М. В. Ломоносова.
  2. Московском педагогическом государственном университете.
  3. Государственном академическом университете гуманитарных наук.
  4. Санкт-Петербургском государственном экономическом университете.
  5. Уральском государственном педагогическом университете и т. д.

В список входят университеты таких городов, как Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург, Тула.

На самом деле во многих крупных городах есть вузы, где обучают специальностям, требующим знаний в области обществознания.

Дополнительное профессиональное образование и повышение квалификации можно получить в Образовательном центре в Екатеринбурге.

Список профессий, где нужно знать обществознание

Актуальность профессий, связанных с изучением обществознания, в России за последние несколько лет сильно возросла. Это связано прежде всего с тем, что люди стремятся изучить процессы, происходящие в обществе.

Знать обществознание необходимо:

  1. Специалистам по связям с общественностью (востребованная на данный момент профессия, так как практически всем крупным кампаниям необходим такой специалист).
  2. Политологам (это специалисты, изучающие и анализирующие жизнь общества с политической точки зрения; здесь требуются люди, умеющие прогнозировать и строить гипотезы относительно взаимоотношений различных стран, государств, областей и т. д.).
  3. Правоведам (специалист, компетентный в решении правовых вопросов и в знании сущности государства; здесь требуются знатоки действующих законов, теорий и прав).
  4. Социологам (специалисты, анализирующие развитие и функционирование общества; это люди, умеющие наладить контакт с обществом с помощью различных анкет, опросов и т. д.).
  5. Культурологам (это специалисты, решающие вопросы в области истории культуры; здесь необходимы люди, интересующиеся культурой, историей разных народов, их основами быта, архитектурой, искусством).
  6. Психологам (изучение поведения людей с точки зрения психологии; занимаются психодиагностикой, коррекционной и развивающей работой).

В каких сферах можно применить эти профессии:

  • политолог: СМИ, органы государственного управления;
  • правовед: органы государственной власти, органы местного самоуправления, прокуратура, суд, юридические фирмы;
  • социолог: управление персоналом, рекламные агентства;
  • культуролог: куратор на выставках, в музеях, преподаватель в университете;
  • психолог: частная практика, работа в школе, в университете, в органах внутренних дел.


Обществознание играет большую роль в становлении современного общества. Ученик, который сдал этот предмет, имеет представления о мироустройстве, о моральных ценностях народов, о законах и многом другом.

При выборе профессии, связанной с обществознанием, люди получают неограниченные возможности постоянного совершенствования и саморазвития.

«Что надо туда сдавать» или «куда можно с этим поступить»?

Старшеклассники часто задают нам подобные вопросы. Понимая, что ответы на эти вопросы для будущих студентов важны, отвечаем на некоторые из них. (Орфография обращений сохранена)))))

Вопрос: Я буду сдавать ЕГЭ знаю что обязательно нужно сдать математику(базовый) и русский. Я хочу поступить на медицинский не подскажете пожалуйста какие предметы надо сдавать дополнительно(химию или биологию или оба предмета ). Заранее благодарю.

Надо смотреть по каждой специальности отдельно. Обычно, если на сайте ВУЗа нет такой информации, то Вы можете это уточнить в приёмной комиссии. И химию , и биологию, и физику для подготовки к поступлению в мед, можно изучать с нашими преподавателями на нашем сайте tutoronline.ru

Вопрос: Здравствуйте, я учюсь в 9 классе, куда я могу поступить если сдам русский язык, математику, общество и географию?

С экзаменами: Русский, математика, обществознание Вы можете поступить на специальности::
Государственное и муниципальное управление
Педагогика и психология девиантного поведения
Торговое дело
Управление персоналом
Экономическая безопасность

С экзаменами: русский, математика, география Вы можете поступить на специальности::

Картография и геоинформатика
Ландшафтная архитектура
Лесное дело
Прикладная гидрометеорология
Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств
Экология и природопользование

Вопрос: Здравствуйте, я сдаю математику, биологию, обществознание, русский. На кого с такими предметами я могу поступить?

На педагога — психолога или на педагога- дефектолога.

Вопрос: Здравствуйте…подскажите какой можно выбрать факультет если я сдаю экзамены информатику и обществознание

Эти предметы вместе нигде не сдаются. Если хотите сдавать информатику, то надо будет и математику, если общество, то возможны придётся сдавать ещё историю или географию или ин. яз.

Вопрос: Куда лучше всего поступать хорошо зная русский и обществознание? Самой хотелось бы на театральный)

Эти предметы + ин. яз и история позволят выбрать специальности ФИЛОСОФИЯ, ПОЛИТОЛОГИЯ, ЮРИСПРУДЕНЦИЯ, РЕКЛАМА И СВЯЗИ С ОБЩЕСТВЕННОСТЬЮ, КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ, ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ДЕЛО. Если вы хотите на театральный, то надо отдельно уточнить в приёмной комиссии такого заведения какие предметы и экзамены надо сдавать.

Вопрос: Я сдаю историю и обществознание. Хотела бы поступить в СПбГУ. Но не знаю на кого. Поступать планирую с целевым, но не знаю как его нужно получать. Подскажите, пожалуйста факультеты и профессии.

По получению целевого направления уточняйте у себя в школе или РАЙОНО. Специальности и факультеты Вы можете увидеть на сайте того учебного заведения, куда хотите поступать

Вопрос: Здравствуйте, я учусь в 10 классе, хорошо знаю математику (физику) и английский. Посоветуйте куда поступать.

Либо в ВУЗ с техническим профилем- за этими специальностями большое будущее, либо в ВУЗ с экономическим профилем. Специальностями из экономического профиля рынок труда заполнен и добиться там хороших успехов будет довольно проблематично.

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в 9 классе сдаю обшествознание и географию куда можно поступить

Выберите город, в который хотите поступать АбаканАльметьевскАнапаАрхангельскАстраханьБакуБалашихаБарнаулБелгородБелорецкБиробиджанБлаговещенскБрянскБуденновскВеликий НовгородВладивостокВладикавказВладимирВолгоградВологдаВоронежВыборгВышний ВолочекГеленджикГрозныйДмитровДушанбеЕкатеринбургЕлабугаЕлецЕреванЕссентукиЖелезногорскЗлатоустИвановоИжевскИркутскКазаньКалининградКалугаКаменск-УральскКемеровоКировКирово-ЧепецкКисловодскКонаковоКраснодарКрасноярскКурганКурскЛипецкМагаданМагнитогорскМайкопМахачкалаМинскМичуринскМоскваМурманскНабережные ЧелныНижневартовскНижнекамскНижний НовгородНижний ТагилНовомосковскНовороссийскНовосибирскНорильскНур-Султан (Астана)ОбнинскОмскОрелОренбургОрскПензаПермьПетрозаводскПетропавловск-КамчатскийПодольскПсковПятигорскРжевРостов-на-ДонуРязаньСалехардСамараСанкт-ПетербургСаранскСаратовСаяногорскСевастопольСерпуховСимферопольСмоленскСосновый БорСочиСтавропольСтарый ОсколСтерлитамакСургутСыктывкарТаганрогТамбовТашкентТверьТольяттиТомскТулаТюменьУлан-УдэУльяновскУфаУхтаХабаровскХанты-МансийскХимкиЧебоксарыЧелябинскЧереповецЧеркесскЧитаЭлектростальЮжно-СахалинскЯкутскЯрославль

Пожалуйста, выберите, кем вы являетесь Я абитуриент Я сотрудник ВУЗа Я родитель абитуриента Студент колледжа Школьник до 11-го класса Специалист Бакалавр Магистр Я учитель в школе

Регистрируясь через данную форму, я соглашаюсь с политикой конфеденциальности и согласен на обработку персональных данных.

Хочу, что вы отправляли мне индивидуальные подборки и лучшие предложения от вузов по нужным мне критериям.

Куда можно поступить с обществом и русским? ПрофГид.

Обществознание – очень популярный предмет, ЕГЭ по которому сдает бОльшая половина будущих абитуриентов. Если объединить общество и русский язык, а последний является обязательным экзаменом, то вы сможете поступить во многие вузы. Во время вступительной компании вам придется пройти дополнительный творческий или профессиональный экзамен. Мы проанализировали все доступные направления подготовки, куда можно поступить с обществом и русским, выявив перспективные. Поэтому садитесь поудобнее, вооружитесь блокнотом и выбирайте самые интересные!

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4 направления, куда можно поступать с русским и обществознанием

Судебная экспертиза

Код: 40.05.03.

Профессии: судебный, медицинский или криминальный эксперт, полицейский, независимый эксперт.

Если вы обожаете детективы Агаты Кристи и Чейза, то можете попробовать свои силы в сфере криминалистической экспертизы. Для этого направления предусмотрена одна форма обучения – очная, во время посещения вуза вы будете изучать следующие дисциплины:

  • методы, виды криминалистической фото- и видеосъемки;
  • правила организации экспертизы;
  • правовые дисциплины, такие как процессуальные действия, разные виды права (уголовное, административное и иные).

Решая, в какой институт поступать с обществознанием и русским языком, можно подать документы в МосУ МВД РФ им. В. Я. Кикотя, где открыто направление «Криминалистическая экспертиза». Вам придется успешно сдать 3 дополнительных экзамена в рамках вуза:

  • тестирование по истории,
  • письменная работа по русскому языку,
  • физические нормативы.

Также вы можете поступить в СпбУ МВД России, где проходной балл составляет 333, а количество бюджетных мест — 50.

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Вузы Москвы 2020 с ЕГЭ географией: специальности. Куда поступать?

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90000 Geography | National Geographic Society 90001 90002 Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment, and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.90003 90002 90005 Ancient Geographers 90006 90003 90002 The term «geography» comes to us from the ancient Greeks, who needed a word to describe the writings and maps that were helping them make sense of the world in which they lived. In Greek, 90009 geo 90010 means «earth» and — 90009 graphy 90010 means «to write.» Using geography, Greeks developed an understanding of where their homeland was located in relation to other places, what their own and other places were like, and how people and environments were distributed.These concerns have been central to geography ever since. 90003 90002 Of course, the Greeks were not the only people interested in geography. Throughout human history, most societies have sought to understand something about their place in the world, and the people and environments around them. 90003 90002 Indeed, mapmaking probably came even before writing in many places. But ancient Greek geographers were particularly influential. They developed very detailed maps of areas in and around Greece, including parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.More importantly, they also raised questions about how and why different human and natural patterns came into being on Earth’s surface, and why variations existed from place to place. The effort to answer these questions about patterns and distribution led them to figure out that the world was round, to calculate Earth’s circumference, and to develop explanations of everything from the seasonal flooding of the Nile River to differences in population densities from place to place. 90003 90002 During the Middle Ages, geography ceased to be a major academic pursuit in Europe.Advances in geography were chiefly made by scientists of the Muslim world, based around the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Geographers of this Islamic Golden Age created the world’s first rectangular map based on a grid, a map system that is still familiar today. Islamic scholars also applied their study of people and places to agriculture, determining which crops and livestock were most suited to specific habitats or environments. 90003 90002 In addition to the advances in the Middle East, the Chinese empire in Asia also contributed immensely to geography.Until about 1500, China was the most prosperous civilization on Earth. The Chinese were scientifically advanced, especially in the field of astronomy. Around тисячі, they also achieved one of the most important developments in the history of geography: They were the first to use the compass for navigational purposes. In the early 1400s, the explorer Cheng Ho embarked on seven voyages to the lands bordering the China Sea and the Indian Ocean, establishing China’s dominance throughout Southeast Asia.90003 90002 90005 Age of Discovery 90006 90003 90002 Through the 13th-century travels of the Italian explorer Marco Polo, Europeans learned about the riches of China. Curiosity was awakened; a desire to trade with wealthy Asian cultures motivated a renewed interest in exploring the world. The period of time between the 15th and 17th centuries is known in the West as the Age of Exploration or the Age of Discovery. 90003 90002 With the dawn of the Age of Discovery, the study of geography regained popularity in Europe.The invention of the printing press in the mid-1400s helped spread geographic knowledge by making maps and charts widely available. Improvements in shipbuilding and navigation facilitated more exploring, greatly improving the accuracy of maps and geographic information. 90003 90002 Greater geographic understanding allowed European powers to extend their global influence. During the Age of Discovery, European nations established colonies around the world. Improved transportation, communication, and navigational technology allowed countries such as the United Kingdom to successfully govern colonies as far away as the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Africa.90031 90003 90002 90031 Geography was not just a subject that made colonialism possible, however. It also helped people understand the planet on which they lived. Not surprisingly, geography became an important focus of study in schools and universities. 90003 90002 Geography also became an important part of other academic disciplines, such as chemistry, economics, and philosophy. In fact, every academic subject has some geographic connection. Chemists study where certain chemical elements, such as gold or silver, can be found.Economists examine which nations trade with other nations, and what resources are exchanged. Philosophers analyze the responsibility people have to take care of the Earth. 90003 90002 90005 Emergence of Modern Geography 90006 90003 90002 Some people have trouble understanding the complete scope of the discipline of geography because, unlike most other disciplines, geography is not defined by one particular topic. Instead, geography is concerned with many different topics-people, culture, politics, settlements, plants, landforms, and much more.90003 90002 What distinguishes geography is that it approaches the study of diverse topics in a particular way (that is, from a particular perspective). Geography asks spatial questions-how and why things are distributed or arranged in particular ways on Earth’s surface. It looks at these different distributions and arrangements at many different scales. It also asks questions about how the interaction of different human and natural activities on Earth’s surface shape the characteristics of the world in which we live.90003 90002 Geography seeks to understand where things are found and why they are present in those places; how things that are located in the same or distant places influence one another over time; and why places and the people who live in them develop and change in particular ways. Raising these questions is at the heart of the «geographic perspective.» 90003 90002 Exploration has long been an important part of geography. But exploration no longer simply means going to places that have not been visited before.It means documenting and trying to explain the variations that exist across the surface of Earth, as well as figuring out what those variations mean for the future. 90003 90002 The age-old practice of mapping still plays an important role in this type of exploration, but exploration can also be done by using images from satellites or gathering information from interviews. Discoveries can come by using computers to map and analyze the relationship among things in geographic space, or from piecing together the multiple forces, near and far, that shape the way individual places develop.90003 90002 Applying a geographic perspective demonstrates geography’s concern not just with where things are, but with «the why of where» -a short, but useful definition of geography’s central focus. 90003 90002 The insights that have come from geographic research show the importance of asking «the why of where» questions. Geographic studies comparing physical characteristics of continents on either side of the Atlantic Ocean, for instance, gave rise to the idea that Earth’s surface is comprised of large, slowly moving plates-plate tectonics.90003 90002 Studies of the geographic distribution of human settlements have shown how economic forces and modes of transport influence the location of towns and cities. For example, geographic analysis has pointed to the role of the U.S. Interstate Highway System and the rapid growth of car ownership in creating a boom in U.S. suburban growth after World War II. The geographic perspective helped show where Americans were moving, why they were moving there, and how their new living places affected their lives, their relationships with others, and their interactions with the environment.90003 90002 Geographic analyses of the spread of diseases have pointed to the conditions that allow particular diseases to develop and spread. Dr. John Snow’s cholera map stands out as a classic example. When cholera broke out in London, England, in 1854 Snow represented the deaths per household on a street map. Using the map, he was able to trace the source of the outbreak to a water pump on the corner of Broad Street and Cambridge Street. The geographic perspective helped identify the source of the problem (the water from a specific pump) and allowed people to avoid the disease (avoiding water from that pump).90031 90003 90002 90031 Investigations of the geographic impact of human activities have advanced understanding of the role of humans in transforming the surface of Earth, exposing the spatial extent of threats such as water pollution by manmade waste. For example, geographic study has shown that a large mass of tiny pieces of plastic currently floating in the Pacific Ocean is approximately the size of Texas. Satellite images and other geographic technology identified the so-called «Great Pacific Garbage Patch.»90003 90002 These examples of different uses of the geographic perspective help explain why geographic study and research is important as we confront many 21st century challenges, including environmental pollution, poverty, hunger, and ethnic or political conflict. 90003 90002 Because the study of geography is so broad, the discipline is typically divided into specialties. At the broadest level, geography is divided into physical geography, human geography, geographic techniques, and regional geography.90003 90002 90005 Physical Geography 90006 90003 90002 The natural environment is the primary concern of physical geographers, although many physical geographers also look at how humans have altered natural systems. Physical geographers study Earth’s seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans. Some disciplines within physical geography include geomorphology, glaciology, pedology, hydrology, climatology, biogeography, and oceanography. 90003 90002 Geomorphology is the study of landforms and the processes that shape them.Geomorphologists investigate the nature and impact of wind, ice, rivers, erosion, earthquakes, volcanoes, living things, and other forces that shape and change the surface of the Earth. 90003 90002 Glaciologists focus on the Earth’s ice fields and their impact on the planet’s climate. Glaciologists document the properties and distribution of glaciers and icebergs. Data collected by glaciologists has demonstrated the retreat of Arctic and Antarctic ice in the past century. 90003 90002 Pedologists study soil and how it is created, changed, and classified.Soil studies are used by a variety of professions, from farmers analyzing field fertility to engineers investigating the suitability of different areas for building heavy structures. 90003 90002 Hydrology is the study of Earth’s water: its properties, distribution, and effects. Hydrologists are especially concerned with the movement of water as it cycles from the ocean to the atmosphere, then back to Earth’s surface. Hydrologists study the water cycle through rainfall into streams, lakes, the soil, and underground aquifers.Hydrologists provide insights that are critical to building or removing dams, designing irrigation systems, monitoring water quality, tracking drought conditions, and predicting flood risk. 90003 90002 Climatologists study Earth’s climate system and its impact on Earth’s surface. For example, climatologists make predictions about El Nino, a cyclical weather phenomenon of warm surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. They analyze the dramatic worldwide climate changes caused by El Nino, such as flooding in Peru, drought in Australia, and, in the United States, the oddities of heavy Texas rains or an unseasonably warm Minnesota winter.90003 90002 Biogeographers study the impact of the environment on the distribution of plants and animals. For example, a biogeographer might document all the places in the world inhabited by a certain spider species, and what those places have in common. 90003 90002 Oceanography, a related discipline of physical geography, focuses on the creatures and environments of the world’s oceans. Observation of ocean tides and currents constituted some of the first oceanographic investigations. For example, 18th-century mariners figured out the geography of the Gulf Stream, a massive current flowing like a river through the Atlantic Ocean.The discovery and tracking of the Gulf Stream helped communications and travel between Europe and the Americas. 90003 90002 Today, oceanographers conduct research on the impacts of water pollution, track tsunamis, design offshore oil rigs, investigate underwater eruptions of lava, and study all types of marine organisms from toxic algae to friendly dolphins. 90031 90003 90002 90031 90005 Human Geography 90006 90003 90002 Human geography is concerned with the distribution and networks of people and cultures on Earth’s surface.A human geographer might investigate the local, regional, and global impact of rising economic powers China and India, which represent 37 percent of the world’s people. They also might look at how consumers in China and India adjust to new technology and markets, and how markets respond to such a huge consumer base. 90003 90002 Human geographers also study how people use and alter their environments. When, for example, people allow their animals to overgraze a region, the soil erodes and grassland is transformed into desert.The impact of overgrazing on the landscape as well as agricultural production is an area of ​​study for human geographers. 90003 90002 Finally, human geographers study how political, social, and economic systems are organized across geographical space. These include governments, religious organizations, and trade partnerships. The boundaries of these groups constantly change. 90003 90002 The main divisions within human geography reflect a concern with different types of human activities or ways of living.Some examples of human geography include urban geography, economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, social geography, and population geography. Human geographers who study geographic patterns and processes in past times are part of the subdiscipline of historical geography. Those who study how people understand maps and geographic space belong to a subdiscipline known as behavioral geography. 90003 90002 Many human geographers interested in the relationship between humans and the environment work in the subdisciplines of cultural geography and political geography.90003 90002 Cultural geographers study how the natural environment influences the development of human culture, such as how the climate affects the agricultural practices of a region. Political geographers study the impact of political circumstances on interactions between people and their environment, as well as environmental conflicts, such as disputes over water rights. 90003 90002 Some human geographers focus on the connection between human health and geography. For example, health geographers create maps that track the location and spread of specific diseases.They analyze the geographic disparities of health-care access. They are very interested in the impact of the environment on human health, especially the effects of environmental hazards such as radiation, lead poisoning, or water pollution. 90003 90002 90005 Geographic Techniques 90006 90003 90002 Specialists in geographic techniques study the ways in which geographic processes can be analyzed and represented using different methods and technologies. Mapmaking, or cartography, is perhaps the most basic of these.Cartography has been instrumental to geography throughout the ages. 90003 90002 As early as 1500 BCE, Polynesian navigators in the Pacific Ocean used complex maps made of tiny sticks and shells that represented islands and ocean currents they would encounter on their voyages. Today, satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense communicate with receivers on the ground called global positioning system (GPS) units to instantly identify exact locations on Earth. 90003 90002 Today, almost the entire surface of Earth has been mapped with remarkable accuracy, and much of this information is available instantly on the internet.One of the most remarkable of these websites is Google Earth, which «lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean.» In essence, anyone can be a virtual Christopher Columbus from the comfort of home. 90003 90002 Technological developments during the past 100 years have given rise to a number of other specialties for scientists studying geographic techniques. The airplane made it possible to photograph land from above.Now, there are many satellites and other above-Earth vehicles that help geographers figure out what the surface of the planet looks like and how it is changing. 90031 90003 90002 90031 Geographers looking at what above-Earth cameras and sensors reveal are specialists in remote sensing. Pictures taken from space can be used to make maps, monitor ice melt, assess flood damage, track oil spills, predict weather, or perform endless other functions. For example, by comparing satellite photos taken from 1955 to 2007, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) discovered that the rate of coastal erosion along Alaska’s Beaufort Sea had doubled. Every year from 2002 to 2007, about 45 feet per year of coast, mostly icy permafrost, vanished into the sea. 90003 90002 Computerized systems that allow for precise calculations of how things are distributed and relate to one another have made the study of geographic information systems (GIS) an increasingly important specialty within geography. Geographic information systems are powerful databases that collect all types of information (maps, reports, statistics, satellite images, surveys, demographic data, and more) and link each piece of data to a geographic reference point, such as geographic coordinates.This data, called geospatial information, can be stored, analyzed, modeled, and manipulated in ways not possible before GIS computer technology existed. 90003 90002 The popularity and importance of GIS has given rise to a new science known as geographic information science (GISci). Geographic information scientists study patterns in nature as well as human development. They might study natural hazards, such as a fire that struck Los Angeles, California, in 2008. A map posted on the internet showed the real-time spread of the fire, along with information to help people make decisions about how to evacuate quickly.GIS can also illustrate human struggles from a geographic perspective, such as the interactive online map published by the New York Times in May 2009 that showed building foreclosure rates in various regions around the New York City area. 90003 90002 The enormous possibilities for producing computerized maps and diagrams that can help us understand environmental and social problems have made geographic visualization an increasingly important specialty within geography. This geospatial information is in high demand by just about every institution, from government agencies monitoring water quality to entrepreneurs deciding where to locate new businesses.90003 90002 90005 Regional Geography 90006 90003 90002 Regional geographers take a somewhat different approach to specialization, directing their attention to the general geographic characteristics of a region. A regional geographer might specialize in African studies, observing and documenting the people, nations, rivers, mountains, deserts, weather, trade, and other attributes of the continent. There are different ways you can define a region. You can look at climate zones, cultural regions, or political regions.Often regional geographers have a physical or human geography specialty as well as a regional specialty. 90003 90002 Regional geographers may also study smaller regions, such as urban areas. A regional geographer may be interested in the way a city like Shanghai, China, is growing. They would study transportation, migration, housing, and language use, as well as the human impact on elements of the natural environment, such as the Huangpu River. 90003 90002 Whether geography is thought of as a discipline or as a basic feature of our world, developing an understanding of the subject is important.Some grasp of geography is essential as people seek to make sense of the world and understand their place in it. Thinking geographically helps people to be aware of the connections among and between places and to see how important events are shaped by where they take place. Finally, knowing something about geography enriches people’s lives-promoting curiosity about other people and places and an appreciation of the patterns, environments, and peoples that make up the endlessly fascinating, varied planet on which we live.90003.90000 What can I do with a geography degree? 90001 90002 The analytical and research skills gained from your geography degree are attractive to a range of employers 90003 90004 Job options 90005 90002 Jobs directly related to your degree: 90003 90002 Jobs where your degree would be useful: 90003 90002 Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so do not restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here. 90003 90002 Take a few minutes to answer the Job Match quiz and find out what careers would suit you 90003 90002 Try Job Match 90003 90004 Work experience 90005 90002 The direction your career takes will depend on your interest in physical or human geography.Try to secure work experience in your chosen field to get an insight into the work available and to establish contacts. Fieldwork is a useful way of developing your practical skills and gaining hands-on experience, which is highly valued by employers. Some degree courses include a placement year, which is another great way to get an insight into working practicalities. 90003 90002 The skills you develop during your degree will equip you for a range of jobs. If you’re unsure which career path to follow, try doing some work shadowing to find out what interests you.90003 90002 Search for placements and find out more about work experience and internships. 90003 90004 Typical employers 90005 90002 A geography degree enables you to embark on a career in a range of fields, including those in the education, commerce, industry, transport, tourism and public sectors. You’ll also have many transferable skills, attracting employers from the business, law and finance sectors. 90003 90002 Employers include: 90003 90030 90031 the armed forces 90032 90031 charities 90032 90031 the Civil Service 90032 90031 environmental consultancies 90032 90031 environmental protection agencies 90032 90031 information systems organisations 90032 90031 local government 90032 90031 Ministry of Defence 90032 90031 police service 90032 90031 private companies 90032 90031 utility companies.90032 90053 90002 Find information on employers in environment and agriculture, energy and utilities, and other job sectors. 90003 90004 Skills for your CV 90005 90002 By studying geography, you’ll gain an insight into a range of practical, social, economic and environmental issues. In addition to core geographic skills, for example field work and the use of specialist equipment, preparing maps and diagrams and using social survey and interpretative methods, you’ll also develop a range of key skills that are relevant to many jobs and sectors.90003 90002 These include: 90003 90030 90031 skills in research and data collection, analysis and evaluation 90032 90031 mathematical and computational skills 90032 90031 IT skills, for example computer cartography and the use of databases and spreadsheets 90032 90031 written and oral communications skills, including report writing and data presentation 90032 90031 the ability to understand abstract concepts and articulate these to a range of audiences 90032 90031 planning and problem-solving skills 90032 90031 creative thinking and the ability to recognise the moral and ethical issues involved in debates 90032 90031 the ability to work independently and also in a team, taking on board ideas and coming to a consensus 90032 90031 self-motivation and self-reliance 90032 90031 time management and the ability to meet deadlines.90032 90053 90004 Further study 90005 90002 Some geographers opt to specialise in an area from their undergraduate degree by completing postgraduate study. Areas you could specialise in include geographical information systems, remote sensing, environmental conservation, environmental management, oceanography, coastal and marine management, meteorology or water resources. 90003 90002 Postgraduate courses in teaching, surveying, urban / rural planning or landscape architecture are also popular, as they qualify you to work in these career areas.Studying a business or management postgraduate course is another option. 90003 90002 For more information on further study and to find a course that interests you, see Masters degrees and search postgraduate courses. 90003 90004 What do geography students do? 90005 90002 Over half of geography graduates are in employment in the UK six months after graduation. 90003 90002 The top jobs held by graduates employed in the UK include business associate professionals, marketing associate professionals and environment professionals.90003 90098 90099 90100 90101 Destination 90102 90101 Percentage 90102 90105 90106 90107 90100 90109 Employed 90110 90109 58 90110 90105 90100 90109 Further study 90110 90109 24.7 90110 90105 90100 90109 Working and studying 90110 90109 5.7 90110 90105 90100 90109 Unemployed 90110 90109 4.9 90110 90105 90100 90109 Other 90110 90109 6.9 90110 90105 90138 90139 Graduate destinations for geography 90098 90099 90100 90101 Type of work 90102 90101 Percentage 90102 90105 90106 90107 90100 90109 Business, HR and financial 90110 90109 19.9 90110 90105 90100 90109 Retail, catering and bar work 90110 90109 16.2 90110 90105 90100 90109 Technicians and other professionals 90110 90109 13.2 90110 90105 90100 90109 Marketing, PR and sales 90110 90109 11.3 90110 90105 90100 90109 Other 90110 90109 39.4 90110 90105 90138 90139 Types of work entered in the UK 90002 For a detailed breakdown of what geography graduates are doing six months after graduation, see What Do Graduates Do? 90003 90002 Graduate destinations data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.90003 90186 90002 Written by AGCAS editors 90003 90002 September 2018 90003 90002 © Copyright 90192 AGCAS 90193 & Graduate Prospects Ltd · Disclaimer 90003 90004 You may also like … 90005 90197 90002 voluntary 90003 90200 Gap Year Opportunities 90201 90030 90031 Projects Abroad 90032 90031 Unpaid 90032 90031 Various locations 90032 90053 View job.90000 Geography and Sport Science BSc | Undergraduate study 90001 90002 BSc Geography and Sport Science is a joint honours degree which aims to develop your understanding of how physical and social processes affect our rapidly changing planet, as well as enhance your knowledge of sport science. 90003 90002 You will spend equal amounts of time studying each subject in each year and there is the opportunity to explore the relationship between geography and sport science in an optional final year dissertation.90003 90006 Geography 90007 90002 In the first year of our BSc (Hons) Geography and Sport Science degree, the geography modules span human and physical geography, ensuring you have a firm understanding of how social and physical processes vary within the context of places and regions. In second and final year of this course you can specialise in either human or physical geography, or you can choose to maintain the equal balance between the two. 90003 90002 In Geography, our academic staff are driving forward intellectual agendas in physical and human geography, as well as helping to shape national and international policy.This expertise ensures that the knowledge you are getting throughout your course is at the cutting-edge of scientific research and focused on some of the most important issues in society today. 90003 90006 Sports Science 90007 90002 From this course, you will also develop a theoretical, critical and practical understanding of sport science with the help of the UK’s leading School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences. The sport science modules focus on developing your knowledge of physiology, physical activity and health, psychology, sociology and pedagogy.The knowledge gained in the sport science section of our Geography and Sport Science degree will support a variety of careers in sport, health and / or education. 90003 90002 For further insight into what you can expect to study on our Geography and Sport Science degree please see the list of modules below. 90003 .90000 Advice for the public 90001 90002 90003 90002 90005 These materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the epidemic evolves. 90006 90005 90008 Last updated 4 June 2020. 90009 90006 90003 90002 90005 90006 90003 90002 90008 Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. Most countries around the world have seen cases of COVID-19 and many are experiencing outbreaks.Authorities in China and some other countries have succeeded in slowing their outbreaks. However, the situation is unpredictable so check regularly for the latest news. 90009 90003 90002 90008 90009 90003 90002 90025 You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions: 90003 90027 90028 Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.90029 90028 Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others. Why? When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease. 90029 90028 Avoid going to crowded places. Why? Where people come together in crowds, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COIVD-19 and it is more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre (3 feet).90029 90028 Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you. 90029 90028 Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands.Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19. 90029 90028 Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house, wear a mask to avoid infecting others. Why? Avoiding contact with others will protect them from possible COVID-19 and other viruses. 90029 90028 If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call by telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions of your local health authority.Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections. 90029 90028 Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities. Why? Local and national authorities are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.90029 90044 90002 90003 90002 Safe use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers 90003 90002 To protect yourself and others against COVID-19, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water. If you use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, make sure you use and store it carefully. 90003 90051 90052 90028 Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers out of children’s reach. Teach them how to apply the sanitizer and monitor its use.90029 90028 Apply a coin-sized amount on your hands. There is no need to use a large amount of the product. 90029 90028 Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose immediately after using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, as it can cause irritation. 90029 90028 Hand sanitizers recommended to protect against COVID-19 are alcohol-based and therefore can be flammable. Do not use before handling fire or cooking. 90029 90028 Under no circumstance, drink or let children swallow an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.It can be poisonous. 90029 90028 Remember that washing your hands with soap and water is also effective against COVID-19. 90029 90044 90002 90003 90044 90002 90070 Protect yourself and others from getting sick 90071 90003 90002 90070 Ask WHO 90071 90003 90002 90070 Be ready 90071 90003 90002 90070 Home care 90071 90003 90002 90070 Pregnancy & breastfeeding 90071 90003 90002 90070 How to cope with stress 90071 90003 .

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